12 February, 2018

Exploring the Black, a dye reference e-book

2018-02-12T21:48:27-06:00Tutorials|Comments Off on Exploring the Black, a dye reference e-book

I was invited to present a talk about dyeing with black to a weaving study group this weekend. They knew that black was a challenging color and wondered if I could provide some tips and tricks for working with black dyes. I usually skip over black in my beginning dye classes because it is challenging and I think it is confusing for beginners when one color breaks all the rules.

So I spent a couple of days dyeing and photographing samples. I worked with 3 dyes (2 for plant fibers and 1 for animal fibers) and 27 different substrates (fabric, roving, ribbon, yarn). I asked friends of mine, who have years of dyeing experience, for their tips for working with black and I incorporated those into my samples. When I got done, I realized that I had way more information than would reasonably fit in a class handout, so I put it all together into a 28-page e-book. It’s not an instruction book about how to dye, but it is a reference manual for how black dyes are influenced by fiber choice, temperature, salt and more. You can get it at my Etsy shop and see sample pages and more info there.

5 February, 2018

Exploring the Black (Private class)

2018-02-05T10:12:51-06:00|Comments Off on Exploring the Black (Private class)

Exploring the black: A demo and discussion of the art of dyeing the color black. All blacks are not created equal, and this color can be tricky to use. We will discuss a variety of ways to match the dye to the fiber you want to use and techniques to try for getting deep dark colors.
This is a lecture for the Fine Threads Study Group at the Weavers Guild of MN. Please contact karen_mallin@yahoo.com if you are interested in attending.
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