Thank you to everyone who left a comment!  They were so much fun to read and I did read every one.

The copy of Fabric by Fabric One Yard Wonders goes to:


I made a pretty neat baby quilt for my son before he was born. It has a row of houses, a row of trees, a row of fish, a row of stars, and more all in bright purples, blues, and yellows.

The quilt sounds awesome.  The random number generator thought so too, so it picked your comment and I am glad it did.  You can find Trish’s blog at Overflow Creativity, where she has some fun projects and poetry.

Then I decided to pick a few of my favorites to win a few more little prizes.  These commenters will be getting some little handmade ornaments.


The best gift I ever got that was handmade was from my niece who was 16 at the time, it was a gorgeous quilt for my then new baby daughter with her name machine free sewed into it.

I love that your favorite gift was something made for you by a teenager!  A lot of my job involves teaching sewing to teens and I think if you get them hooked then, they will be sewing and crafting for life.

Liz B

The handmade gift I am most proud of was a knit hat I made for my husband. He had shown me the Jayne hat online, and asked if I could do that, and I said I didn’t think I was a good enough knitter. He said ok and pretty much forgot about it. My grandmother had been teaching me to knit every year for about ten years; this was the year that it stuck! I focused harder than I ever had until I really had it down, and then I made that Jayne hat and it was perfect, AND he was surprised, which is really hard to do. I make a lot of gifts each year but I still haven’t topped that one.

My husband would love a Jayne hat too.


The best gift I’ve ever received was for absolutely no reason. When we first started dating, my partner gave me a 2?x2? stained-glass window that she’d made herself. She painted the frame blue, and created a beautiful design in orange, yellow, and blue glass, and put a small square mirror in the middle. She came to my house every day for two weeks with cuts on her arms and hands, and I had no idea what she was doing until she brought the window over. It’s one of my most treasured possessions.

Gifts for no reason are the very best.  In college, my friends and I used to celebrate a floating holiday we called “Peanut Butter Day”.  We couldn’t afford to get each other Christmas presents, but as soon as the loan checks came in at the beginning of the semester, we would declare “Peanut Butter Day” and have a little party.

Thank you to everyone who commented!