As I was reading the “Yarn Harlot“‘s post today and laughing to myself, I am thinking a list of the good and bad may help me to get perpective on a less than fantastic day.

Good: Cute sweater created from mediocre $3 thrift store sweater. Wore it to work today.

Bad: (grumble grumble work stuff) I don’t want to talk about work, except to say staff changes will equal added stuff to the piles of stuff I already have too much of.

Good: Happy puppy to greet me at the door.

Bad: Worked on a project all day long and still not finished. Was really hoping to finish it.

Good: Designed a new business card and found a deal online that will print some for free. Expires today, so I better finish that up. I will show those off later.

Bad: Stupid snow. Enough today so I will have to shovel in the morning. Hate snow.