Circle frame brooches?  Rosette pins?  Medallions?  I don’t know what to call them, but I am making them.  Two above in batik fabric, two from tiny scraps of vintage fabric, one in progress.  They are about the size of a 50 cent piece.  (Does anyone even know how big that is anymore?)  More results of my Native American beadwork research.  I realized at some point while looking at all of the techniques and photos that I might possibly be able to do these things.  I have tried making rosettes probably a dozen times between the time I was 8 and 18 (and probably once or twice after that).  They were always impossibly hard to get everything even and smooth and perfect concentric circles.  Then it occurred to me that I should try again.  I have a lot more skills now than I did then.  So I am learning a new stitch, which has you lay down 4 beads at a time and do a back stitch through half of them to keep them in place. (I will draw you a diagram sometime).  I did one pretty darn good rosette, which I would love to show you a photograph of, but I have buried it under some tax receipts somewhere.  Maybe next week.  Those up above are the same stitch, but just two rows and then a pretty beaded edge.