One YardThe official release of the book is today!  For anyone that missed me talking about it before, I have 2 projects in the book: a laptop sleeve with a dog applique and a bear-shaped pillow.  To celebrate the release of the book and to celebrate Halloween, I have a freebie for you!

My laptop bag has a dog applique that you can add on.  Rather than trace and enlarge the pattern from the book, I made it easy for you.  Click on the graphic above and download a printable version of my little daschund with bonus costumes!  You can put him on other things too!  Make a weiner dog t-shirt!  When I was making the sample project for the book, I had this great fabric with airplanes on it to use for the sample.  I kept thinking of Snoopy and the Red Baron and really I wanted to give the dog some aviator sunglasses.  Now you can!