I love it.  Polyester Double Knit, that is.  I don’t know why.  Maybe it’s genetic (I hear that my Grandma used to make everything out of it.)  Most of my sewing friends cringe and make faces, but I think it makes the most amazing skirts.  They don’t wrinkle, they are indestructible and hard to stain, they are heavy enough to hang nicely and warm enough I can wear them way more months of the year in Minnesota!  (I will grant you, once it gets hot and humid, I will put these skirts away to wait again for fall.) This one is made from Butterick 4686 and a piece of fabric my friend Sheryl found at the thrift store for $2.99.  I don’t think she believed me when I said I would wear it.  She found another piece for me of bright blue with tiny little anchors.  Smile.