I have 15 minutes before I have to get back to work. Since we had classes 9-12, 1-4 and 4-5:30 today and that means too many hours for me to officially be at work, I am taking a break. Got the 1:00 kids checked in with their teacher and took the laptop to the patio at the coffee shop across the street. Good: Great coldpress. Lovely weather. Knitting. Bad: Two people just started smoking at the table right next to me. Still doing work even though I am taking a break. (You see that newsletter sitting there. It’s on its final proof & tweaks). No time for knitting.

I did figure out where I am in the pattern on the knitting. That is progress. It’s a lacy summer shrug, which I started last summer and didn’t get finished, so it has been languishing over the winter waiting for me to get back to it. It’s this pattern in a super soft handdyed merino yarn that Andy bought for me on etsy.