I have been off in upstate NY for the last few days enjoying the fall color and family events and even though we were fairly “unplugged” for the week, we did hear of Steve Jobs passing.  I am an Apple girl through and through and through.  They make sense to me, they work for me and I am a sucker for pretty.  I name all of my Macs (Pandora, Bacchus, Benedict, Hippolyta, Minerva, Moth, Fawkes…)  One summer in college, I brought my Mac home and my baby sister (then about age 2) would come in to my room, point at the tiny apple logo and say “Ap-ple!” and giggle.  It was a ritual.

Steve Jobs was a visionary in a lot of ways.  He designed cool stuff, but he also surrounded himself with talented people who could execute that cool stuff.  I love that Apple is as much about the aesthetic as the equipment.  Why can’t it be functional and elegant at the same time?  He valued the design and the art as well as the technology.   I love that Apple is clever.  I have had that “Think Different” poster on my wall for about 12 years now.  (Mine features Kermit & Jim Henson).  It’s an advertisement, but in such a cool way, it became art.  For me, he represented a way of “thinking different” and believing in what you do and I only hope that a little of that will continue to guide the way Apple goes forward.