How fun!  I was browsing around catching up on blogs today and I find I have been nominated for “Sunshine Award” by Alice over at futuregirl.

“…basically the Sunshine Award is awarded to bloggers whose positivity and creativity inspires others in the blog world.”

How lovely.  Thank you!

Part of the “rules” that go along with this award is a challenge to pass it on.  Here are a few blogs that I find inspirational:

Tallgrass Prairie Studio.  Just found her today actually, but then spent an hour reading her posts and tutorials.  A new favorite read.

Two Red Threads.  My friend and new blogger, Donna.  “Positivity and creativity” sums her up perfectly.

Oh Fransson can always be relied on for a bit of color on a gloomy day.

Foziewisp. Kitschy photos and Tallulah-Palooza Fridays.

…and a hive of silvery Bees. Whimsical photo essay and snippets of everyday that are easily overlooked.  Oh yeah, and she’s my mom.