Finally all of the holidays gifts have been delivered and I can share a few with you.  This is a dry-erase clock for my dad.  (I am getting ready to mail it in the photo, the cardboard box is not usually there).  Credit for the idea goes to someone on etsy.  I wish I could tell you who but after 10 minutes of searching I can’t come up with it.  This is a piece of masonite painted with white board paint.  Yep, you can buy white board paint.  It’s a 2 part thing that you mix up and is only good for 2-3 hours, so we decided that since we had it mixed up we would paint part of the kitchen wall too.  So now we have a white board by the kitchen door.  It’s fun writing on the wall.  I drew a goofy hickory-dickory-dock on the clock before I mailed it, but we thought it would be fun for writing “be back at –>” and silly stuff like that.

These are a birthday present for my niece.  They are life size.  I also made her several strawberries.

Erik (my nephew) got a whole basket of strawberries.  They are both having great fun feeding their pretend fruit to the dolls and stuffed animals.  Starting on several more of these as baby presents for some upcoming baby showers.  You can find patterns for them at Ravelry: Mr. Pear, or Mrs. Saucy Apple or Strawberries.

Mom’s “photographer’s” gloves.  Keep your hands warm but still have the ability to press the shutter.  I love the cable pattern on these.  Cables are magic.  It’s all a matter of knitting the stitches in the wrong order and cool things happen.  Cables are actually one of the first things I learned to do. (Thanks Berit!)  First knit, then purl, then cable.  I didn’t learn increases & decreases for years later, but I could make a very elaborate teddy bear sweater with a twisted cable, no problem.

Lots of small knitted projects this year.  I did some sewing, but it was pillowcases, which are not super interesting to look at.  Little kids got monograms on theirs, sister got matching ones in pretty fabric.