From the top:

Creme Caramel.  Ordered by my brother-in-law, but passed around the table for everyone to try.

Onions from a street vendor in Dives-sur-Mer.

Seriously the moldiest green yucky looking cheese I have ever seen.  But for sale in a shop window.

Mise en bouche from “Le Table de Louis” restaurant.  Mussels with tomatoes & creme fraiche.

My salad course.  Something like ceviche salmon with onions, capers and a vinaigrette dressing.  “Bocal de saumon façon hareng.”   The menu was all in french so I only sort of knew what I was ordering. It was all fantastic.

Andy’s main course. Some sort of red fish over spinach and a toasted cheese wafer.  “Sablé de mimolette vieille et petits rougets.”

Andy’s Dessert.  Grapefruit and custard on a shortbread kind of cookie with lime sorbet. “Sablé aux segments de pamplemousse, crème mousseline vanille.”

My dessert. 3 layers: apple jelly, rice pudding, spicy baked apples. “Riz au lait aux pommes caramel, gelée aux épices.”

Iced vanilla lattes and shortbread cookies.