Tax day means that it is time for the Annual Textile Center Garage Sale. I will be working about a gahzillion hours over the next 3 days, but it is one of the most fun weekends we do all year. We already have donations from businesses to fill two 15 ft trucks. A business called this year and asked if we could pick up three palettes of bolts of fabric. That’s a lot of fabric, people! I have 4 big trash bags full of yarn to bring in today, donated from friends. A fleet of the-best-volunteers-on-the-planet price it, organize it and we sell it at “garage sale prices”.

It’s like Brigadoon, it’s here and then it disappears into the mist! If you are in the neighborhood – come Friday 6:30-8:30 pm or Saturday 9-4 to get in on the fun! Textile Center Garage Sale