Back when I worked at a summer childrens’ theater, we did a production of the Three Billy Goats Gruff. Because I had a friend (through my dad) who was from Romania, we had her translate the goats’ dialogue in to Romanian. The troll spoke English. It has always been one of my favorite shows. It was silly, but so fun. The story has a happy ending where they all order vegetarian pizza. We built a huge bridge set piece that we could walk over. We spent a few minutes at the beginning of the show teaching the audience a bunch of the Romanian words (iarba is grass!) and they helped the troll figure out what was happening. I got to be the “Great Big Billy Goat”, which if you know me is pretty comical all by itself.

So when I saw this “O Capra Mititika” (Little Billy Goat), I HAD to have him. He is crafted by Mark at ( I also have a verdegris colored rhinocerous by Mark and my sister has a pair of bears)