There’s nothing like a gently snoring dog next to you on the couch to zap every bit of motivation to get up and do something. I have been working like a mad woman lately. I delivered 75 sets of buttons with geeky textile saying on them to the Shop at the Textile Center. They already need to be restocked. I sold half of my inventory of puppets in one morning there last week (all of the lions!) so I need to get to sewing more puppets. My final write-ups and samples for the book “One Yard Wonders” were due last week. I have 2 projects in the book which is scheduled to be published in late 2009. I still have to write a bio for them. My new baby nephew threw off my schedule for getting his room decor done and so I finished these for him:

This evening I should really try to convert the photo studio back in to a guest room so my inlaws have a place to sleep when they come visit very soon.