Being the host of a conference has some disadvantages, but one of the cool things is that I do almost get to take a class.  I am an assistant for a one day workshop with the owner of  I checked out the computer lab yesterday and got all set up for class and I have to pack up my digital cameras and everything this morning.  The conference organizers were a little worried about a class in a computer lab, but I assured everyone I would be totally in my element and would be a great assistant.  Sure hope that’s true.  :)

I order things from Spoonflower all the time.  In fact, I just finished this skirt:

This is what I am wearing to do my presentation at the conference on Saturday.  I will get someone to take a picture while I am wearing it.  I had it printed on the linen/cotton blend, which was super stiff when I got it and once I threw it in the washer and dryer was perfect skirt material.  That’s is a photo of a waterlily from my very own pond.  Did a little Photoshop editing to it, which you don’t see too much at this scale, but it adds a nice painterly quality to the whole thing.  I drafted the pattern in Illustrator, which was super easy using a 1″ grid.  I then moved over to Photoshop to place the photo and play with it.  The print is not continuous – I didn’t line up the lily pads at the side seams or anything, mostly because I didn’t think that would add anything to the effect.  It has another little fun detail.  I hemmed the bottom with bias tape (one of my favorite finishes).  You can’t tell from the outside, but if you catch a glimpse of the inside edge of the hem it is bright coral pink.