(One of my very favorite pics of my dad.)

6 Things I learned from my daddy:

1.  My love of the guitar.  I have been listening to jazz fingerstyle guitar since before I was born.  I think it is hard-wired in to my brain that a little Chet Atkins or Johnny Smith can fix almost any stressful day.

2.  If something breaks, you figure out how to fix it.  (You only call the plumber, electrician, repairman if it is serious.)  I totally didn’t realize that wasn’t normal until a friend told me once about calling the plumber to come because her toilet was running.  I looked at her like she was insane.  I’ve never called a plumber, except to replace the waterheater and if that hadn’t been gas-heated, we probably would have tackled that too.  I also know how to change the oil in my car, but I am more than happy to pay the nice boys at Jiffy Lube to do that for me.

3.  It is cool to be smart.

4. My dad is an artist too.  We tease him about making things that are “earthquake proof” and engineering college dorm lofts to withstand a small herd of elephants.  He is meticulous and detailed and doesn’t do anything half-a**ed.  He knows the step he needs to do to make the thing 20 steps later work out right.  He taught me how to envision the end result you want and then work backwards to figure out how to get there.  (My mom comes at it from the other side.  She has a knack for seeing art or whimsy in random everyday things.  She looks at nothing and can always pick out something interesting.  It’s a pretty wicked combination the two of them have.)

5.  Coffee ice cream is the best.

6.  Live long and prosper.

Happy Fathers Day, Daddy!